Posts in Personal Development

Things I Highlighted is a bulleted list of particular sentences in a book that stuck out to me. These cannot be viewed as general summaries of books, but rather parts of books that struck me in a way that demanded more of my attention. Typically I share one thing I highlighted from each chapter, so they will appear in the same order they appear in the book. This version of Things I Highlighted will cover Wooden, a book about the lifetime of observations and reflections on and off the court from John Wooden.

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Just Show Up

Things I Highlighted is a bulleted list of particular sentences in a book that stuck out to me. These cannot be viewed as general summaries of books, but rather parts of books that struck me in a way that demanded more of my attention. Typically I share one thing I highlighted from each chapter, so they will appear in the same order they appear in the book. This version of Things I Highlighted will cover Just Show Up, a book about the many benefits earned when you can just show up consistently.

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Ego Is the Enemy

Things I Highlighted is a bulleted list of particular sentences in a book that stuck out to me. These cannot be viewed as general summaries of books, but rather parts of books that struck me in a way that demanded more of my attention. Typically I share one thing I highlighted from each chapter, so they will appear in the same order they appear in the book. This version of Things I Highlighted will cover Ego Is the Enemy, a book that details the fight to master our greatest hindrance.

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The ONE Thing

Things I Highlighted is a bulleted list of particular sentences in a book that stuck out to me. These cannot be viewed as general summaries of books, but rather parts of books that struck me in a way that demanded more of my attention. Typically I share one thing I highlighted from each chapter, so they will appear in the same order they appear in the book. This version of Things I Highlighted will cover The ONE Thing, a book detailing the surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results.

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The Inner Game of Tennis

Things I Highlighted is a bulleted list of particular sentences in a book that stuck out to me. These cannot be viewed as general summaries of books, but rather parts of books that struck me in a way that demanded more of my attention. Typically I share one thing I highlighted from each chapter, so they will appear in the same order they appear in the book. This version of Things I Highlighted will cover The Inner Game of Tennis, a book that uses tennis as a medium to unlock the mental side of peak performance.

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The Hero Code

Things I Highlighted is a bulleted list of particular sentences in a book that stuck out to me. These cannot be viewed as general summaries of books, but rather parts of books that struck me in a way that demanded more of my attention. Typically I share one thing I highlighted from each chapter, so they will appear in the same order they appear in the book. This version of Things I Highlighted will cover The Hero Code, a book that discusses lessons learned from lives well lived.

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The Obstacle Is the Way

Things I Highlighted is a bulleted list of particular sentences in a book that stuck out to me. These cannot be viewed as general summaries of books, but rather parts of books that struck me in a way that demanded more of my attention. Typically I share one thing I highlighted from each chapter, so they will appear in the same order they appear in the book. This version of Things I Highlighted will cover The Obstacle Is the Way, a book that details the ancient art of turning adversity to advantage.

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Things I Highlighted is a bulleted list of particular sentences in a book that stuck out to me. These cannot be viewed as general summaries of books, but rather parts of books that struck me in a way that demanded more of my attention. Typically I share one thing I highlighted from each chapter, so they will appear in the same order they appear in the book. This version of Things I Highlighted will cover Relentless, a book that outlines how the best in the world continue to get better, and how you can too.

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Raise Your Game

Things I Highlighted is a bulleted list of particular sentences in a book that stuck out to me. These cannot be viewed as general summaries of books, but rather parts of books that struck me in a way that demanded more of my attention. Typically I share one thing I highlighted from each chapter, so they will appear in the same order they appear in the book. This version of Things I Highlighted will cover Raise Your Game, a book written by Alan Stein Jr. that shares high-performance secrets from the best of the best.

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Things I Highlighted is a bulleted list of particular sentences in a book that stuck out to me. These cannot be viewed as general summaries of books, but rather parts of books that struck me in a way that demanded more of my attention. Typically I share one thing I highlighted from each chapter, so they will appear in the same order they appear in the book. This version of Things I Highlighted will cover Legacy, a book written by James Kerr that reveals what the New Zealand All Blacks can teach us about life and leadership.

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Crazy Busy

Things I Highlighted is a bulleted list of particular sentences in a book that stuck out to me. These cannot be viewed as general summaries of books, but rather parts of books that struck me in a way that demanded more of my attention. Typically these will be arranged in chronological order by chapter, so they will appear in the same order they appear in the book. This version of Things I Highlighted will cover This Is The Day, a book that discusses humans' innate busyness and how this frenetic pace poses a serious threat to our physical, social and even spiritual well-being.

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Things I Highlighted is a bulleted list of particular sentences in a book that stuck out to me. These cannot be viewed as general summaries of books, but rather parts of books that struck me in a way that demanded more of my attention. Typically these will be arranged in chronological order by chapter, so they will appear in the same order they appear in the book. This version of Things I Highlighted will cover Togetherness,an interactive book that guides individuals on a team to develop their skills, reach their potential, and ultimately come ‘together’.

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Art & Fear

Things I Highlighted is a bulleted list of particular sentences in a book that stuck out to me. These cannot be viewed as general summaries of books, but rather parts of books that struck me in a way that demanded more of my attention. Typically these will be arranged in chronological order by chapter, so they will appear in the same order they appear in the book. This version of Things I Highlighted will cover Art & Fear, a book that explores the way art gets made, the reasons it often doesn't get made, and the nature of the difficulties that causes so many artists to give up along the way.

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This Is The Day

Things I Highlighted is a bulleted list of particular sentences in a book that stuck out to me. These cannot be viewed as general summaries of books, but rather parts of books that struck me in a way that demanded more of my attention. Typically these will be arranged in chronological order by chapter, so they will appear in the same order they appear in the book. This version of Things I Highlighted will cover This Is The Day, a book written by Tim Tebow that encourages people to attack each day with purpose and passion.

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The Coaching Habit

Things I Highlighted is a bulleted list of particular sentences in a book that stuck out to me. These cannot be viewed as general summaries of books, but rather parts of books that struck me in a way that demanded more of my attention. Typically these will be arranged in chronological order by chapter, so they will appear in the same order they appear in the book. This version of Things I Highlighted will cover The Coaching Habit, a book written by Michael Bungay Stanier that encourages leaders to ask more questions instead of rushing to give advice.

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Atomic Habits

Things I Highlighted is a bulleted list of particular sentences in a book that stuck out to me. These cannot be viewed as general summaries of books, but rather parts of books that struck me in a way that demanded more of my attention. Typically these will be arranged in chronological order by chapter, so they will appear in the same order they appear in the book. This version of Things I Highlighted will cover Atomic Habits, a book written by James Clear that discusses the surprising power of tiny habits.

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