This Is The Day
Things I Highlighted is a bulleted list of particular sentences in a book that stuck out to me. These cannot be viewed as general summaries of books, but rather parts of books that struck me in a way that demanded more of my attention. Typically I share one thing I highlighted from each chapter, so they will appear in the same order they appear in the book. This version of Things I Highlighted will cover This Is The Day, a book written by Tim Tebow that encourages people to attack each day with purpose and passion.
Even when times are tough, something about this day is good.
Chapter 1: Say "I Love You"
Sometimes we just need a healthy reminder of what's important - people. It always comes down to people.
Chapter 2: Get in the Game
I've learned that when you start chasing the desires of your heart, most times one of two things will happen. Either God will grant them or He will change your desires.
Chapter 3: Leave the Past Behind
The more we clear out of our comfort zones, the more opportunity we have to experience God's faithfulness. The more we trust Him instead of what others say, the more our faith grows. The more we choose to seek after the desires we believe God has put on our hearts, the more we really live.
Chapter 4: Listen to the Right Voice
The fact is, when you face challenges of any kind, you're going to hear voices. It doesn't matter how much success you've had or how much you've overcome in the past. When you decide to do something different or pursue something bigger, voices will creep in.
Chapter 5: Believe in What Really Matters
Often, we live so cautiously that we never give God a chance to come through. Risk what you have for the sake of helping other people and seeing what God can do in your life and in the lives of others. Put yourself out there and do something that might terrify you or make you uncomfortable, like sharing your testimony for the first time or telling a stranger God loves her. Take that step forward, and let God unfold the rest.
Chapter 6: Say Yes
Life offers only few opportunities that are huge moments. Moments that happen unexpectedly and have a tremendous impact on the world around us. Moments when the need is great and the volunteers are few. If we don't step us and answer the call, we'll miss out on what God can do through us. It's important to be ready for these kinds of moments.
Chapter 7: Put in the Work
I believe in becoming your best in whatever you do. Whether as an athlete, a parent, a business owner, an actor, a doctor, a police officer, a student - anything. As Christians, we are taught to do life in word and action to the glory of God. Working hard at being your best, making the most out of whatever He has given or called you to do, is a way to thank God for this day.
Chapter 8: Open Your Eyes
It's sad we live in a society where unexpected kindness is often met with suspicion.
Chapter 9: Live with Open Hands
Don't wait to b the hands and feet of Jesus only when you sign up for a mission trip or volunteer for a local service project. Be ready to give in the in-between. Sometimes these can end up being the biggest moments in our lives.
Chapter 10: Flip the Script
How often do we allow fear of the what-ifs to keep us from simply trying? Why do we often imagine worst-case scenarios? And why do so many of us allow these fears to keep us from reaching for something or from following a desire we believe God has put on our hearts? What if instead of thinking about what-ifs in a negative light, we use them to imagine the positives?
Chapter 11: Go Back to the Well
Look back and remember. Know that God is consistent. He was faithful then and He'll continue to be.
God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Second Timothy 2:13 tells us, "If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is." Being faithful is who God is. It's His nature. It's His character. You can count on this!
Chapter 12: Make It Count
For Christians, the world is not our home. Ultimately, we belong with God in His heavenly kingdom. This place on earth is temporary. I do believe we get glimpses of our home with God when we are aligned with His promises and purpose for our lives. When we are living for Jesus, when we are serving Him with our God-given gifts, talents, and abilities, when we are investing in people, when we are thinking of others more than ourselves, when we are changing lives, one at a time, we get a sense of our true home in God.