Your Growth Is Your Responsibility

It's easy for a lot of people today to think that if they just have the perfect environment then everything will work itself out. You hear it all the time.

"If I can just start that diet, then I'll be healthy."

"If I can just workout with that personal trainer, then I'll get the body I want."

"If I can just get my kids into that school, then they'll get into a great university."

Simply designing a powerful environment doesn't mean you can just mail it in and assume your life is going to dramatically change. You still need to put in the work.

Having a great teacher doesn't mean you will learn.

Having a great trainer doesn't mean you will become fit.

Having a great doctor doesn't mean you will become healthy.

At some point you have to realize that your growth is your responsibility. Get the guidance you need, but do your part by putting in the work.

I've said before that your environment matters more than you think. And make no mistake about it: I believe strongly that your environment shapes who you are.

If you hang around a bunch of knuckleheads, you're much more likely to be a knucklehead yourself. If you have around a bunch of people who work hard, you're much more likely to work hard yourself.

But at the end of the day, you need to make the conscious decision that you're not going to be a knucklehead; that you're going to be someone who works hard. It won't happen on its own.

Your growth is your responsibility. Own it and grow!