25 Reasons Why Jesus Was Born

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Things I Highlighted is a bulleted list of particular sentences in a book that stuck out to me. These cannot be viewed as general summaries of books, but rather parts of books that struck me in a way that demanded more of my attention. Typically I share one thing I highlighted from each chapter, so they will appear in the same order they appear in the book. This version of Things I Highlighted will cover 25 Reasons Why Jesus Was Born, a book celebrating Advent and the miraculous story of Jesus.

Reason One: To Be the Last Sacrifice

  • We, like the Israelites of old, can fully enjoy God's presence dwelling among us when we acknowledge our wrongs and accept the fact that he sacrificed himself in our place!

Reason Two: To Live Out the Law Perfectly

  • If you are a believer in Jesus Christ—one who accepts his sacrifice on your behalf—then God, in spite of all the wrongs you have committed, sees you and declares you 100% holy, clean, and without blemish.

Reason Three: To Establish a New Covenant

  • All men and women may have a right relationship with God and experience the blessedness of his presence because of Christ's sacrifice on the cross. Humans are required to do exactly zero effort in order to participate in the New Covenant. No rules, no dress code to enter God's party.

Reason Four: To Serve Others

  • Without Christ, we would be left in the dark regarding true servanthood. Jesus did not participate in a few service projects here and there. No, he lived a life of serving others. Servanthood was his lifestyle, not a button to be switched off and on.

Reason Five: To Establish Peace on Earth

  • It has been said that we often ask God why there is so much suffering in the world, but the reality is that God should be asking us that question instead. Our own failures and mistakes certainly suggest that we're wrong to point the finger at God and blame him for the problems of the world.

Reason Six: To Train Men

  • I am often encouraged when I hear young people say they want to be great for God. This is a good desire, but if it is not matched with the willingness to spend time preparing, then their reach is often limited.

Reason Seven: To Teach Us to Pray

  • Good prayers start with a correct attitude of humility before God, recognizing him for who he is.

Reason Eight: To Give Clarity on Religion

  • Jesus came to show that obeying rules to earn something does not work because no one is perfect. We all fall short of the glory of God. We cannot win our way to heaven by obeying rules more than someone else. He came to put an end to the thinking and teaching of the Pharisees. Unfortunately, 2,00 years later, many still think that religion is about having an outward appearance or by following certain rules.

Reason Nine: To Resist Temptation

  • Adam lived in a perfect garden, he was at one with the presence of God and had everything he needed around him, yet he failed. He disobeyed God having all the resources available to help him remain faithful. Jesus, on the other hand, was tempted in the harshest of conditions—in the middle of a desert and after 40 days of fasting—yet he did not give into temptation!

Reason Ten: To Condemn False Teachers

  • We may never cross paths with these religious leaders, but in our everyday lives we still may have opportunities to stand up for the truth. With our mouths we may correct, teach, and rebuke someone with the truth of Scripture. With our lives we may obey God even when it is difficult.

Reason Eleven: To Further the Holy Spirit's Work

  • The very fact that we can have God's Spirit living within us should cause us to marvel at his excellence! Jesus has been called Emmanuel, which is God with us. But with the Holy Spirit, we have God in us!

Reason Twelve: To Break the Silence

  • He may seem silent now, but he is at work and can be heard and known by reading the Bible. He will once again show up miraculously and all eyes will be on him once again.

Reason Thirteen: To Become Sin

  • For if we could fully describe him and understand him, he would no longer be deserving of our worship. Indeed, the breech between us and God is infinitely more than that which lies between us and ants.

Reason Fourteen: To Fulfill Prophesy

  • Throughout all of Scripture we see different prophecies made regarding specific events that would unfold in the future. Perhaps the greatest prophecies of all are those which predicted the birth and life of Jesus centuries before he was even born.

Reason Fifteen: To Show Us the Way

  • Just as the creator of an object knows best how that object should be used, God is our creator, and he knows what is best for us. He is not only our creator but he is also good, so he does not just know what is best for us, he has gone to great extent to show us what is best for our lives.

Reason Sixteen: To Claim the Throne

  • The kingdom of God which he preached and inaugurated was not an earthly, political kingdom, but the rule of God in the hearts of people who know and serve him. But this was not the kingdom which the people expected or wanted, and so they rejected Jesus as their Lord.

Reason Seventeen: To Gain Victory over Death

  • For the human race would have perished utterly had not the Lord and Savior of all the Son of God, come among us to put an end to death.

Reason Eighteen: To Rise from the Grave

  • Those that "bear the cross" of Jesus will be those who are resurrected with him. Many people want to receive the benefits of heaven without being a disciple of Jesus, but there are no short-cuts.

Reason Nineteen: Because He Loves Us So

  • As we come to know God and understand the sacrifice of love that he gave for us on our behalf, we are then called to show others who God is by loving others. If we fail to love others, we fail to be Christ-like.

Reason Twenty: To Rescue Us

  • If I was ever drowning in the sea and rescued by a lifeguard, I know there is one thing I would do the rest of my life: look for ways to thank him/her and honor him/her. This is how those who have been rescued by Jesus seek to live their lives: in gratitude for what he has done and wanting to do everything possible to honor him.

Reason Twenty-One: To Display God's Power

  • It is interesting that John uses the word "sign" to describe each of the miraculous acts of Jesus and not "miracle." To John, the miracles were not just mere tricks or displays of power for the purpose of show. They were signs that pointed to something. Signs that served as a signal showing that Jesus was truly God.

Reason Twenty-Two: To Heal Our Diseases

  • The disease of sin runs rampant in today's society. If we are honest, most of the affliction and strife that we see today are all brought upon by our own evil acts. I hope that as Christians we can be true agents of light in the world, carrying a message of hope and healing to a hurting world.

Reason Twenty-Three: To Be Prophet, Priest and King

  • But God had his own plan, both for Israel and all other people groups of the world. He would come as king, prophet, and priest. Jesus took on the role of all three.

Reason Twenty-Four: To Be Our Redeemer and Savior

  • If we needed money, if that was our biggest problem, God would have sent an economist. If our biggest problem was education God would have sent a professor. If our biggest problem was government, God would have sent a politician. If our biggest problem was sickness God would have sent a doctor. If our biggest problem was self-image God would have sent a consultant or therapist. But our biggest problem in the world is sin so God sent a savior. We are sinners who need salvation, we cannot save ourselves but God is mighty to save.

Reason Twenty-Five: To Give God All the Glory

  • As we cannot speak adequately about even a part of His work, therefore, it will be better for us not to speak about it as a whole. For, indeed, everything about it is marvelous, and wherever a man turns his gaze he sees the Godhead of the Word and is smitten with awe.