Characteristics of Soft Players

A clear distinction can be made between soft players and tough players. The usual contrasts typically feature physical components like aggression, tenacity, physicality, or the lack thereof. And these can certainly create a dividing wall between soft players and tough players.

But what about non-physical components? What about intangibles?

Upon reflection, here are the contrasting features of softness and toughness:

Softness is:

  • Talking back

  • Showing up late

  • Skipping reps

  • Giving 3/4’s effort

  • Failing classes

Toughness is:

  • Biting your tongue

  • Being early

  • Doing extra reps

  • Going full speed

  • Being on the A/B honor roll

In my experience, the players that skip reps, miss times, don’t touch the line, and can’t look up when a coach is talking are usually the same players that quit at the first sign of adversity.

That's just the cold, hard truth.

Tough people dominate soft people in sports and in life!