Is This The Most Valuable Character Trait?

Integrity, honesty, loyalty, self-sacrifice, accountability, and self-control. According to Jim Rohn—the man many consider to be "America's Foremost Business Philosopher"—these are the six essential traits of good character. But should one be elevated above the rest? What is the most valuable character trait?

After scanning books and articles on topics deeply connected to these questions, I can't say for certain what is the most valuable character trait. But there is a trait I believe to be important and I've failed to see it in any book or article I've read. And that trait is this:

Doing exactly what you say you're going to do.

Regardless of your field or profession, being able to follow through and deliver will always be a valuable quality.

If you're a coach and you've laid out the culture for your program, ensuring that standard is met daily is extremely valuable.

If you're a manager and you've told your team they need to hit their numbers this quarter, holding them accountable to that is extremely valuable.

If you're a friend and you've promised another person that you'll be there for them no matter what, being there for them no matter what is extremely valuable.

Times change. Generations progress. Certain aspects of daily life evolve. But one thing that will never go out of style is doing exactly what you say you're going to do.

Be a man (or woman) of your word. Say you're going to do something, then do it. It's fine to talk the talk, but you better be walking the walk.

Is this the most valuable character trait? I'm not sure. But it's an important one, and one I think we regretfully forget too often.