The Hero Code

Hardcover | eBook | Audiobook

Book Reviews aim to provide succinct, thoughtful summaries of books I have read. They contain quotes from the book, thoughts from others, and also some thoughts of my own. Typically they will be structured in the following order: author, introduction, message and purpose, remarkable chapter, and conclusion. This review will cover The Hero Code, a book that discusses lessons learned from lives well lived.


William H. McRaven


Written by retired United States Navy four-star admiral William H. McRaven, The Hero Code is a tribute to the lessons he's learned from the world's best leaders. From hospitals to battlefields to universities, McRaven succinctly describes what makes everyday heroes the best at what they do and how we can all learn from them and apply these lessons to our own lives.

Message and Purpose

The Hero Code is divided into ten chapters outlining the qualities and characteristics that make up the world's best leaders:

Chapter One: Courage

Chapter Two: Humility

Chapter Three: Sacrifice

Chapter Four: Integrity

Chapter Five: Compassion

Chapter Six: Perseverance

Chapter Seven: Duty

Chapter Eight: Hope

Chapter Nine: Humor

Chapter Ten: Forgiveness

The Hero Code is not a puzzle or secret formula for success. It is a code of conduct which outlines the lessons in virtues that can become the foundations of our character as we build a life worthy of honor and respect. It is a blueprint that aspiring leaders in any field should adhere to and follow closely.

Remarkable Chapter

Each chapter is loaded with gold nuggets of insight and wisdom, but the sixth chapter on perseverance takes the cake for me. While describing how perseverance is more important than any skill or talent, McRaven unleashes a paragraph that will stick with me for a long time:

"I believe history will show that success is not just a function of brains or brawn, but of perseverance. Genius without resolve is just another passing person with a bright idea. Athletic prowess without determination is just another wasted talent."

He continues by talking about the cyclical patterns of history:

"The world is filled with men and women who amounted to nothing because they gave up on their dreams: because they didn't have the guts, the determination, the willpower to keep going—no matter what. But history is equally replete with heroes who fought through the challenges, persevered, and made a difference."


McRaven—former commander of the United States Special Operations Command—has travelled the world dealing with high-pressure situations, intense negotiations, and just about everything you can imagine under the sun. The Hero Code examines real stories from his experiences and reveals incredible life lessons for you and I. It's a quick and easy read and one you will want to keep on your shelf for years to come.